How to Sell High-Ticket $2,000+ Products and Services to the Right People

A simple way to increase profit in your business is to sell a high-ticket product or a service. In this lesson I’m going to show you how to create a simple system to ensure you’re selling high-end products to the right people.

Here is a very common error. Let’s say you have a $2000 coaching program…

How do you go about selling it?
Do you sell it directly without getting leads?
Do you sell itmmediately after a signup?
Do you sell it as a special offer?

Here’s a setup I recommend…

First you have a sign up page to build a list people interested in achieveing a certain goal.

You give them a short report, a mindmap, a video or something similar in exchange for their email address.

Then you redirect them to a low-cost offer for around $7-$10.

This can be a video course or an ebook that promises a specific result that can be achieved with a few days or weeks.

For example, you can help your client lose a certain amount of weight, gain X amount of muscle, get X amount of traffic or make X amount of dollars.

It has to be realistic, believeable, exciting and inspiring so they’re compelled to not only buy the product, but take action as well.

If you sell something too ambitious too early on then you may put them off. So the key here is to sell them something simple to help them achieve a result fast.

If they don’t buy, follow-up with them every day for at least 7 days.

Your first priority is to ensure that your prospect has a credit card and is willing to spend money with you. Just because someone signs up for something, doesn’t mean they’re willing to invest in themself.

So it’s important that they’re well aware of your product and you’ve reminded them enough times to the point where they either buy or unsubscribe.

Once they make a purchase, you subscribe them to your customer list and deliver the product. Here you have a series of emails that walks them through your product, to ensure they’re putting everything into practice.

It is essential here that you continue to deliver value and give them time to achieve the result because this will determine the success of the next stage.

So let’s say after 2 weeks, they’ve achieved the result, they trust your advice and are open to buying more from you. This is the best time to sell your coaching program.

But of course a sale page is not enough and when people spend $2000, $5000 or more with you, they usually want to talk to someone first before making a purchase.

And if you are the one making the calls, you want make sure you’re not wasting your time. So there has to be another system in place to ensure you’re talking to the right people.

This is why you should get them to fill in an application form.

You can tell straight away from the way they filled in the form whether they’re truly committed or not.

If they answer with short sentences and one-word answers they’re most likely not going to invest any time in your program.

However if they’ve made a real effort to answer your questions and you can see they’ve taken the time to complete the form, then you know this is someone worth talking to.

The sign up page, low-cost product, application form and phone call act as filters to ensure you’re dealing with the right people.

If you don’t put these systems in place, and call every single person who signs up to your email list then you’ll be wasting your time, and will have a hard time finding high paying clients.

So use these systems to filter out the tyre-kickers, and let the clients come to you. And all you need is one new client a week and that will generate $8,000 a month.

The key here is to treat your low-cost offer as a stepping stone to something bigger. It should help your customer achieve a specific result so they can trust you with your advice and are more inclined to join your coaching program.

Does that mean you have to make the calls yourself? No not all.

You can make a few calls so you know what sort of questions your clients are asking and what objections they may have.

After a while you know what to expect and how to answer all the questions. In which case you may consider hiring a sales team to do the work for you and you pay them an hourly rate.

If for example it takes 3 phone calls to make a sale and every call is 1 hour long, and every call costs you $200, you’ll pay 3 hours of time. Which costs you $600 to make a $2000 sale.So you profit $1400, minus any cost of getting traffic.

If you want to motivate your sales team further you could even offer then a commission on every sale as well.

So If you want to sell high ticket products then put together a good sales system like this that brings the best customers to you. Then automate the calls by hiring a sales team to do it for you to free up your time, so you can work on other areas of your business and you’ll see a massive increase in your profits.